12 June 2012

Quinoa and Quintessence

Before I start my post, check out our new strawberry delivery vehicle. I wish. Actually this 1932 Plymouth belongs to my friends  Bill and Deb, owner of 7 day recreationalist. They are true strawberry lovers.

Quinoa and Quintessence
Early morning inspiration meal

So why is a food as beneficial as Quinoa not a common item in most kitchens? The stamina increase it delivers, the health benefits derived from each tiny seed, and its delicate nutty flavor and versatility alone should warrant it front row access when preparing meals. The Incas knew this and fed quinoa to its warriors. Of course, they did not have any idea back then that quinoa is a complete protein that includes ALL nine amino acids. Just try to find that in other healthy foods. All they understood was that a bowl of quinoa produced good health, energy and strength. Do we really need to know more than that? I don't. But if you would like to know more, just google for facts.

Yes, quinoa exemplifies the best power food. I try to eat it often and especially for breakfast. Eating a substantial, powered pack meal at the beginning of the day makes good sense. The recipe below was inspired by the Power Foods Cookbook. I changed it up a bit but not by much. It is easy to make and as you all know by now, I like easy.

Step 1.  Cook 1 cup quinoa following the directions on package

Step 2.  Whisk together the following:

1/4 cup fresh lime squeezed
1 garlic clove minced
1/4 tsp salt
1/3 cup EVOO

Step 3. Saute the following in a bit of oil until scallions are transparent and corn has a slight brown tint to it:

2 cups fresh cooked corn off cob or frozen corn
3 scallions or onion very thinly sliced
1 cup sliced mushrooms any variety

After the above is ready add the ingredients below until the cilantro softens:

1/2 cup chopped cilantro
1/4 tsp red pepper flakes

Step 4. Put Quinoa in bowl and mix in corn mixture. Pour the lime sauce over it.

You can serve this on chopped lettuce or even fill an avocado shell and serve the avocado on the side.

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