23 February 2013

A Complete Meal by Professional Chef Audrey Leary

fish chowder, tomato bisque, flaky biscuits, chocolate souffle


Dear Friends,

When you get an opportunity to watch a good chef in action, do it. I did just that when invited to see Audrey Leary of the Blackberry River Baking Company. This young graduate of the French Culinary Institute in New York City created a scrumptious meal from everyday basic foods. To watch her exultant movements in the kitchen as she glided from one ingredient to the next and to experience the tastiness of her creations, was both inspiring and delicious. 

Audrey made a fish chowder, a tomato bisque soup, flaky biscuits, and chocolate souffle. As she chopped, mixed and measured, Audrey shared her tips for cooking.  So invite some friends over and enjoy these recipes. Your guests will leave with a smile on their faces and if they are like me, a copy of  the recipes in their pocket.

Happy eating


The secret to flaky biscuits is in the rolling out. Notice how she folds the dough into thirds ( letter fashion) and then rolls gently. She does not overwork the dough and uses a sharp cookie cutter to make the shapes. She also sprinkles a bit of pepper on top. 

Flaky Biscuits
2 C flour
1TBS Baking powder
3/4tsp salt
5TBS cold butter,cubed
additional butter melted for tops
3/4 cup milk cold

oven to 450

mix first three ingredients with fingers or use food processor. Add butter and mix until pea size shapes form. Add milk and stir until just mixed. Let rest for a minute, then put on floured surface. 

Roll out into 1 inch thick rectangle, then fold like a letter and roll out again to about 1/2 inch thick. Cut out biscuits. Pinch scrapes and re-roll to cut up more. 

Place on a baking sheet and brush with melted butter. You could sprinkle some pepper on top. Bake 10 minutes or until lightly browned on bottom and top.

For the soups a good guideline:

roux - melt 4 TBS butter and stir in  1/2 flour then add 2cups milk
add 3 cans tomatoes
a tbs of basil
a bit of milk or light cream
some parmesan ( maybe 1/2 cup)
cook on low heat for thirty to forty  minutes and stir often


5 potatoes cut in very small pieces
3 stalks celery sliced thin 
4 carrots sliced thin
2 cans of low sodium chicken or vegetable broth
11/2tsp tarragon
about 1 lb of white fish
Put all in a pot and cook on med until vegetables are tender.  Add fish by dropping it into soup and cook until it turns white and flakes apart.

This is a must to try. It is easy to make and elegant as a dessert any time. Audrey added a caramel sauce to pour on top. But it is just as yummy plain or with whipped cream.

3 Tbs butter divided    
cocoa or vanilla sugar
3oz of bittersweet chocolate
2 large yolks
2 large egg whites
2TBs sugar
pinch of salt
pinch of cream

Oven to 375 Use 1 TBS butter to coat ramekins
coat with coca or sugar
microwave chocolate and remaining butter
in quick bursts until melted
add vanilla and yolks
In a clean bowl, add egg whites and cream of tartar, salt and sugar and beat until stiff peaks form. Fold into chocolate mixture. Spoon into ramekins. Bake for about 20 minutes, until set.

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